Saturday, August 31, 2019

One process theory of motivation Essay

Motivation is great part of today’s management. However, â€Å"most organizations don’t give it much thought until something starts to go wrong. Pain gets people’s attention.† _(Sanjeev Sharma)_ Therefore it is important to motivate because motivation is force behind all human actions _(Sanjeev Sharma)_. Manager must be able to realize and fulfil the most urgent needs of employees as well as other needs to keep than satisfied, free from stress, and highly motivated. Satisfied and motivated employees are value because they will be less likely to quit the job therefore reducing staff turnover and cost of employee training as they will have gained all the necessary skills and experience, so their performance will be good, therefore companies overall performance can rise as well. This essay is focused on the exploration and comparison of Alderfer’s and Adams’ theories. It seeks the answers to what makes them fall in different category and yet what are the similarities between them and, furthermore, how they can be used together to achieve greater efficiency and to leave less for the chance of error or uncertainty when motivating the employee. Many people have studied needs and ways of motivating the employees. Theories on this subject can be very different and are divided into two categories – content and process theories. Content theories stress that every one of us has same set of needs, which must be satisfied. One of the first and most influential content theories is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1954). This theory states that human needs are formed similar to pyramid with 5 levels, where bottom level must be completed to move to the next level. Five levels are: 1. Psychological (food, shelter, clothe), 2. Security needs, 3. Social needs, 4. Self-esteem (recognition and self-belief), 5. self-actualization (develop one’s full potential). (R. Fincham, P Rhodes, 2005 p.195) One similar to Maslow’s is ERG (Existence, Relatedness, and Growth) theory  developed by Alderfer (1972). Alderfer’s theory says that everybody has 3 sets of needs. Existence, which includes food, shelter, clothes, need to feel safe and similar (Maslow’s 1st and 2nd levels). Relatedness – social activities, family, friendly working environment, etc (Maslow’s 3rd and 4th levels). Growth – recognition from supervisors and managers, occasional bonuses or rise in salary, promotion, etc (Maslow’s 4th and 5th levels). Although it looks like the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with less and more compact sets of needs, there is one important difference – there is no order specified in which these needs must be satisfied. _(Fincham, Rhodes, 2005)_ However, as Kotler et al 2005, points out if one has unsatisfied need, one will try to find something that satisfies it or tries to get rid of the need. This relates to the Frustration – Regression principle in Alderfer’s theory while when the need has been satisfied it also is strengthen ed (as illustrated in chart below) _(12manage.com_). However, with the passage of time and possible changes in lifestyle or other circumstances can force one to come back to needs that have been satisfied in past and set new, more demanding needs to meet the needs of current situation. Companies has limited influence on Existence set of needs, other than providing rates of pay which enables worker to pay all the bills and supply family with enough food, and still have some extra spending money left (there are cases where ‘worker villages’ have been built in order to provide workers with accommodation and everything necessary, as to provide for existence needs and ultimately have some control of workers lives as well). However, there are many possible ways of satisfying Relatedness and Growth sets of needs. Relatedness could be satisfied by ensuring friendly and open working conditions, possibly non-work related social activities with co-workers, extra holidays to spend with families. Growth is arguably the most important and the most work related one. Growth is almost entirely dependant on supervisors, as for example rise and promotion. Also praise and recognition from supervisor will be much more effective than ones from co-workers, although being rec ognized as unofficial leader by co-workers is strongly motivating and satisfying. Process theories however, admit that we all are different and therefore have different needs. Further more they focus on way employees see themselves in the company, the way they are treated in respect of the other employees in regard of their effort and performance. Adams’ Equity theory explores inputs and outputs of a worker and tries to set the balance between them. Inputs represent the effort and performance worker puts in his job like dedication, long hours, high efficiency and outputs on the other hand, represent all he wants to receive for that like recognition from supervisors in form of praise or rise in salary, promotion, bonuses and similar. Adams stresses that keeping balance between inputs and outputs is very important as in case of imbalance worker can loose self-esteem, motivation or come under pressure to perform better, therefore coming under stress, which will inevitably lead to fall in performance. Although feeling of being overpaid is not widely studied it is believed that the negative effect of the feeling wears of shortly and has little effect on the worker, _(SIOP)_ however has impact on other workers who might feel underpaid or undervalued. Therefore, all extra inputs must be balanced with extra outputs. Nevertheless one must not forget that first of all employees will compare themselves to co-workers. If one employee will have high rewards, for example have a rise, than others will look for justification for that. In case that none is found others will feel neglected therefore their performance will drop or they will ask for the rise, or encourage other (the one who receives higher rewards) to work harder, or convince themselves that they are not worth the higher reward _(SIOP)._ Some of these outcomes are potentially mentally dangerous therefore create stress in the workplace or even worse crate tension between workforce which can lead to different unwanted outcomes even such as strikes out violence outbursts. This inevitably means that overall performance of the company will drop. _(Fincham, Rhodes, 2005)_ The main difference between these theories lies in the fact that Alderfer’s one focuses on satisfaction of needs whereas Adams’ one focuses on creating good and balanced relationship between inputs and outputs of the worker and more importantly good relationship and equality between co-workers, and fairness from the supervisor. It is not specified in Alderfer’s theory  exactly how to determine when is the best time to motivate the employee nor why, while on the other hand Adams’ theory is more concerned about when and why to motivate the employee. This shows clearly that these two theories are completely different in their basis. Furthermore part of Alderfer’s theory is Frustration – Regression principle in which an unsatisfied need is being regressed and made up by satisfying more other needs. In some respects similarly with Adams’ theory – if balance is unfair than employees will feel discomfort. Both of these will take empl oyees mind of the duties of work which will lead in fall of performance. Alderfer’s and Adams’ theories both point out the need of balance between things, however each theory puts stress on different things. Alderfer suggests that needs of employee must be equally satisfied between each of the three sets, therefore no need are neglected. However, as mentioned before, a need can be neglected if it has been recently satisfied. On the other hand if one need or set of needs is recently satisfied, it stands above others in level of satisfaction, which therefore makes it reasonable for it to be neglected until other needs reach same level of satisfaction. This process can take up some time and does not require immediate levelling of scales, however Adams’ scales should be levelled at all times. Longer the process of the levelling takes, longer the employees feel the discomfort of injustice which will inevitably lead to employee’s satisfaction or motivation dropping or level of stress rising. In fact Alderfer’s theory could easily become a part of Adams’ theory as a way of determining outputs, for example friendly relationships in workplace is part of Relatedness set of needs and output, which management has provided. Alderfer does not relate to inputs in his theory. This fact makes Adams’ theory more sophisticated and better suited for understanding when and why employee should be awarded. Because if manager is looking to improve worker motivation and job satisfaction he/she can see on one scale the inputs worker has done from where in comparison to co-workers inputs and outputs an appropriate output can be made. However in order to do the comparison of employee’s past and co-worker present performances, they have to be constantly monitored and records kept of the of the information. Using  Alderfer’s theory, however, requires manager to understand employee’s needs and situation to see which needs must be satisfied and what wou ld be the best way to satisfy the need, therefore bringing greater understanding of how and why to award or motivate employee. Adams’s theory is good theory to be using for large companies with many users which all have to be motivated. With help of large and detailed database of workers and their inputs, such as working time, are they late for work or not, their performance, etc and outputs their wages, ways of recognition, etc one can compare workers. Special program can be easily made and adjusted to record and analyse data for independent, non favouring, information on workers which would help to make decisions on their extra outputs. On the other hand Alderfer’s theory would more go for managerial level or smaller companies as it requires in-depth understanding of employee and his situation. If one would put these two theories together the outcome could be a theory in which workers activity is constantly monitored and recorded for purposes of comparison with previous performance and performance of co-workers, therefore, determining the inputs as by Adams’ theory. However, the outputs would be determined according to the needs specified in Alderfer’s theory. Alderfer’s theory could also be substituted, for example, by Hertzberg’s two-factor theory. Although content and process theories are different in their basis, they both work for the same goal and in times can be combined or as in this case content theory can be a part of process theory to explain it more fully and efficiently or just to bring the highest level of efficiency. However, besides the fact Alderfer’s theory can be used to compliment the Adams’ theory, one must not forget that most important part of Adams’ theory is far from just motivating the employee but is based on equality among workers and their inputs/outputs, because too much outputs can produce feeling of overpayment therefore creating stress for employee as he/she tries to increase inputs to level the scales. â€Å"Alderfer’s theory explores which need to satisfy and how while Adams’ theory explores when and why to satisfy the  need.† Previous sentence is very good way of explaining the difference between two theories and seeing that in order for each theory t o work in best way possible – both theories must work together. REFERENCES Books: P. Kotler, V. Wong, J. Saunders, G. Armstrong, _Principles of Marketing,_ (2005 4th European Edition) p. 8, published by Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, England R. Fincham, P. Rhodes, _Principles of Organizational Behaviour,_ (2005, 4th Edition) Published by Oxford University Press, New York, United States Online: Sanjeev Sharma, A right way to motivate an employee, is to win his heart!!! [online] url: Accessed: 24/11/05 _ERG Theory (Alderfer)_[online] url: Accessed:24/11/05 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology inc. (SIOP), _Justice lecture notes 4,_[online] url: Accessed: 26/11/05

Friday, August 30, 2019

Happy Birthday Sal

Happy Birthday Sal!!!!! This is the part where I tell you about how much I love you and how you have always been there for me and that your like the sal to my pal which you are! But I'm going to keep it plain and simple†¦. With a rap Kush rolled, glass full, We prefer the better things Niggas with no money act like money isn't everything Were having a good time, they just trying to ruin it Shout out to the fact that its Sal's fuckin 18th Birthday! Hair did, makeup on, Hottest, everytimeSal ain't trying to pop that shit for pimp okay well never mind, I I I tried to told you, Colin still ain't nothin nice Bracelet saying believe, cars saying soccer mom life Okay now we outta here Happy Birthday to my bitch And if you hatin on my bitch I got the voodoo for you bitches Sal's to busy, She just wants trouble makes enough for two niggas boy daycare payin double Sal and pal is Famous like a drug that We've taken too much of I never ever trip Just that onceI got weed in these jeans, so t hey fit me kinda snug Plus the lighter is in my pocket, nigga this is what I does. I'm about your birthday man Fuck what they be talking about, Sal and pal are fuckin dope, We the only thing that matters (oooh) So we do it how we do it Happy birthday, man, I love ya sal you know how to do it I be up all night Cause I don't really know who Imma finish this rap (oooh) Man I love my sal Man I love my sal I would die for that nigga (oooh) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAL .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mary Rowlandson’s “The Captive” Essay

In the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries of America, many settlers and colonists were taken captive by the Native Americans, commonly known as Indians. The Native Americans had many reasons and motives for capturing the settlers or colonists. Captives were often taken to be traded, ransomed, or â€Å"adopted,† which Native Americans did to replace tribal members who had passed or who had been killed. Two very famous captivity narratives are those of James Smith and Mary Rowlandson, whose stories are very different due to their captors, gender, and religion. James Smith was 18 years old when he was captured by the Indians just miles above Bedford. Smith was captured by three Indians, one was a Canasatauga and the two others were Delawares. With the exception of being flogged, Smith’s experiences with the Indians were not terrible. He was essentially treated as an Indian. This stems from the fact that he was adopted by the Natives. James Smith was given man y freedoms. Smith was very trusted by the Indians. They allowed him to hunt with them or on his own, they expected him to act as an Indian, and they also trusted him to take care of them when needed. Smith also had the option to leave whenever he pleased. He did not have to remain with the Indians for the four years, 1755-1759, that he did. These experiences are very different compared to those of Mary Rowlandson. Mary Rowlandson’s hometown of Lancaster, Massachusetts was destroyed by the Indians in King Philip’s War and she was taken captive during the destruction. Mary Rowlandson was captured in 1676 and remained a captive for three months before the requested ransom was paid. Rowlandson had very different experiences from James Smith with the Indians. At her capture, she witnessed the Indians killing or harming many in her family. Rowlandson, herself, suffered a gunshot wound. James Smith was also harmed when first captured by the Indians; however, he had been aided by French doctors. Mary Rowlandson dealt with her gunshot wound on her own. She also had to carry her sick child for six days before the child passed away. Rowlandson was not able to read freely in front of the Indians, she was not given a fair share of th e food, and was often forced to find other Indian tribes to spend the night with, or to receive food from. Rowlandson was sometimes allowed to go and meet with family members who were with neighboring tribes. Compared to James Smith’s experiences, Mary Rowlandson had it tough when she was a captive of the Indians. Gender had a major effect on how the captives were treated. Native Americans often captured women because they were easier to capture, could bring in more ransom, and the Indians also believed that the women would be easier to control. Mary Rowlandson had to make clothes for others in order to either trade with them or to get money that she could then use to obtain food with. James Smith, on the other hand, was able to go out and hunt for the food he needed. The food that he and his fellow Indians gathered was evenly divided amongst the tribe. Rowlandson, however, was treated better by some tribes than the one she was being held captive in. Some Indians from other tribes would offer her food or opportunities to get money or goods that she needed. This was likely due to the fact that women had more powers and were more respected in some Indian tribes. Smith was expected to help and fend for himself while Rowlandson was often provided with food, though it was not a fair share and was often not of the same value that Smith’s was. Overall, Mary Rowlandson was treated disrespectfully, unfairly, and as though she was inferior. Rowlandson had to fight harder to live, as her food was often stolen and her religion, her greatest hope and strength, was frowned upon during her captivity. Religiously, Mary Rowlandson was affected more than James Smith. Mary Rowlandson was very religious. Rowlandson was married to a minister of Lancaster. Mary Rowlandson’s faith and religion were the only things that kept her going during her captivity. The only thing she had to look forward to was reading her bible, though she had to do it secretly because once, her mistress caught her reading it, grabbed it out of her hands, and threw it ou tside. Rowlandson recovered her bible, but from then on she read it more secretly. Mary Rowlandson believed that all of the trials that she survived and the blessings that she received were from God. Rowlandson wrote of leaving her captivity, â€Å"I have been in the midst of those roaring lions and savage bears that feared neither God nor man nor the devil, by night and day, alone and in company, sleeping all sorts together, and yet not one of them ever offered the least abuse of unchastity to me in word or action; though some are ready to say I speak it for my own credit; but I speak it in the presence of God, and to His glory. God’s power is as great now as it was to furnace. Especially that I should come away in the midst of so many hundreds of enemies and not a dog move his tongue.† Mary Rowlandson often quoted bible verses, one being Psalsms 27: â€Å"Wait on the Lord.† Rowlandson used this particular verse to persuade another captive against trying to escape and run away. and metaphorically related her experiences to stories of the bible .Mary Rowlandson depended upon her religion to survive her captivity. Without, her faith, religion, and God, Mary Rowlandson would have had no hope, no reason to go on, or no encouragement to persevere through her captivity. James Smith was not extremely religious. Unlike Mary Rowlandson, James Smith did not depend upon religion to survive his captivity with the Indians. The Indians that Smith was with did not mind him practicing his own religion and they did not force their religion upon him. James Smith was, towards the end of his captivity, traveling with an Indian by the name of Tecaughretanego and his son Nunganey. After Smith laughed at Tecaughretanego’s religious ceremonies, Tecaughretanego said to him, â€Å"Brother,–I have somewhat to say to you, and I hope you will not be offended when I tell you of your faults. You know that when you were reading your books in town I would not let the boys or any one disturb you; but now, when I was praying, I saw you laughing. I do not think that you look upon praying as a foolish thing; I believe you pray yourself. But perhaps you may think my mode or manner of praying foolish; if so, you ought in a friendly manner to instruct me, and not make sport of sacred things.† Smith learned a lot about the Indians’ religion through his experiences with them and learned to respect their beliefs. Though the experiences of James Smith and Mary Rowlandson were very different, neither story will ever be forgotten. Perhaps that was their purpose for recording their exploits. The differences in their stories can be attributed to their sex, religion, and captors. Had Mary Rowlandson not been female, religious, or captured by the Indians she was, her story may have been very different. Also, for James Smith, had he not been male or taken by the Indians he was his story would have been completely altered. The qualities, beliefs, and characteristics of Mary Rowlandson and James Smith were essentially what saved their lives.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Final project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final project - Assignment Example ective, this statement entails the improvement of social and cultural aspects of Terra Haute County by launching projects that preserve the environmental and by implementing apprenticeship programs that help prepare the young citizens in their future job applications. Looking at THDC’s organizational structure, its top management is comprised of senior planners and partner investors. Its middle management is made up of managers who lead THDC’s various business functions such as sales, marketing, and engineering. While THDC’s long-term and short-term corporate plans seem strategic, implementable, and results-driven, certain issues have arisen as regards its organizational development. Looking closely at the OD structure of THDC, it can be claimed that: (1) manpower pooling to fill in its sales department is relatively weak; (2) lack of competency development measures on middle management employees; (3) organizational unity and oneness has not been formed yet given the diversity of mindsets on the company’s culture and vision. Having a strong OD structure can influence the attainment of objectives set by any organization. Examining the current manpower pooling program at THDC, it seems obvious that the company emphasizes more on enriching its current business partnerships than investing in HR programs that encourage external job applications. Reviewing briefly the organization’s line up of offerings, it can be claimed that there is logic to this move. For one, THDC emphasizes on providing available commercial and industrial properties to business investors. The Vigo County Industrial Park, for example, features a 500-acre site with a functional underground power service, and ready-to-go services such as natural gas, sanitary sewer, potable water and fiber optic system (Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation, 2013). In addition to this, the Fort Harrison Business Park has greenfield sites that could be developed for new industrial

How Wi-Fi Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Wi-Fi Works - Essay Example Considering the significance that Wi-Fi has in technological development and advancement, it is essential that critical analysis is done on its mode of operation (Harrington 18). Based on such a perspective, this paper discusses and analyzes the operation mechanics of Wi-Fi, in easier terms, how Wi-Fi works. As already stated above, Wifi is a technological aspect that allows for the sharing of data and internet connectivity, where it emits frequencies between 2.4 to 5 ghz depending on the data amount available on the network used (Trulove 102). This is a very higher frequency compared to that used by cell phones and televisions and hence allows for the distribution of more data. It is projected that by the pace of current technological development, it will be possible to access the wireless network from any part of the world at any one particular time. One aspect of substantive significance in the study of technology and most especially the wireless technology is that despite its widespread use across the globe, very few individuals actually understand even the basics involved in the operation of these wireless technologies (Wei 61). Like other wireless connections, Wifi uses radio waves for the transmission of information over a particular network (Wei 78), with a major advantage of its high compatibility with almost all operating systems, over other many technologies. However, one critical contrast about Wifi in comparison to other wireless connections is that whereas other wireless connections require access points and routers, essential for the coordination of network traffic for many clients, Wifi operates without any access point instead it supports ad hoc mode connection type allowing devices to network in a peer-to-peer fashion (Harrington 29). In their operation, Wifi works with 802.11 standards of networking (Trulove 107).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Psychology Big 5 Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology Big 5 Theory - Essay Example Each individual is unique in his or her way and reflect any or some of the above traits. This paper seeks to make an analogical study of individuals having similar and conflicting traits. Psychology is an ocean, encompassing many different approaches to the study of mental processes and behavior. In our endeavor to understand human psychology, the 5 traits are assessed to understand the complex human behavior. The above pictures show the cross-section of the brain in different angles and position. What does the Big 5 actually mean Extrovert + Introvert: As they are opposite, there is the chance of them forming a good team. Introvert + Introvert: A difficult situation to be in. "Personality psychology studies enduring psychological patterns of behavior, thought and emotion, commonly called an individual's personality. Theories of personality vary between different psychological schools. Trait theories attempts to break personality down into a number of traits, by use of factor analysis. The number of traits have varied between theories.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Political theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political theory - Essay Example the dialogue process as espoused by Socrates (and Plato) as mostly noticeable in almost every instance that arose posed a question searching upon a meaning, which hems in the intrinsic values of definition for the sake framing up an argument based on logic and viability. According to him an individual must know the virtue of being someone or possessing the attributes that can be perfectly defined by him. There should not be any apparent sense of belief in the awareness of a person who is claiming to know the virtues that he or she possesses but actually doubts still persists in the mind of that individual. So Socrates, after sharing his thoughts with many of the young men of Athens who were not at all by their teachers and conversing with them, came out with the understanding of analogous human tendencies that they traverse. He was considered to be the wisest by many, far more than the intellect level of the teachers in Greece. But in contrast, he claimed to know nothing much more th an determination of an individual in knowing what he or she actually knows. There is enough wisdom in the process of listening to music, practicing poetry and getting involved into arguments, and according to him every man should explore through all these fields as because the life is not worth living, which is left unexamined or is not scrutinized. The politicians who proved to be the culpable part for some of the injustice that they perpetrated against the fellow citizens were taught by Socrates since they claimed to serve justice, and could not even define it. They were and still are the â€Å"leaders† who holds up the so-called legitimate structure of the state. â€Å"Then, as I was saying, our youth should be trained from the first in a stricter system, for if amusements become lawless, and the youths themselves become lawless, they can never grow up into well-conducted and virtuous citizens† (Plato, Jowett, Cornford & Shorey, 226). So it is evident that Socrates uses the power of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In What Way That American Western Land Policy Affects United States's Research Paper

In What Way That American Western Land Policy Affects United States's Economy - Research Paper Example Generally in European countries at that time landlords owned most of the territories and peasants were working as a lower class servants. But US federal government, far sighting the future, came up with a different policy. They acquired the whole land and then redistributed it to common man. The Land Ordinance of 1785 made it easy for a settler to acquire a land of his own. The distribution of the land was intelligently crafted into sections of square mile with four equal subsections of 160 acre. (White 1991). These subsections were then sold at public auctions. Federal Land Policy: The distribution of land was initiated at a fair price of $2 per acre but the condition was to minimally buy the whole subsector of 160 acre. To ease the burden the money can be given over four years. Although the aim of land policy was to encourage a common man in buying the land, this policy also favored the speculators. They bought a lot of land with a vision that raised price in future will provide th em with a hefty profit. In the beginning, however, the process of land distribution was not well organized as federal land offices were located miles away from the distributed lands. But much amendments were made in the 1820s when the price of per acre was reduced to 1.2$ and minimum land acquisition requirement reduced to 80 acres only. Also the federal land offices were placed at convenient locations to facilitate the process. These changes significantly increase the number of buyer as more and more common men could afford the price now. Problem of squatter was on the rise and Pre-Emption Act was introduced to allow them buy the respective land at a discounted price of 1.25$ per acre (White 1999). Homestead Act: In 1862, despite the civil war in progress, congress came up with a homestead act. This was to facilitate availability of land to the real settlers on the public domain. Under this act an individual who is an American citizen or migrated here and is in process of citizensh ip can apply for a land in public domain. The maximum area under this was about a quarter sections. If a person resides on the land for five years, the land is granted in his name. But the condition applies that he should not leave the place for more than 6 months or in else the land can be taken back by the government. Or the person can buy this land at discounted rates. In the span of 122 years (1862-1986) government sold about 25% of land under Homestead Act. It provided capital for stabilizing economy as well as provided a new home and settlement for many citizens. Railway Road Grants: Between 1862 and 1872 congress gave railway road grants to develop railway tracks. About 125 million acre of land was granted for such development. This was to result in economic boost with no theoretical loss of money in grants. It was speculated that the land near the railway tracks will have double the actual value hence recovering the money lost in land grants. (White 1991). These rail roads a cted as a catalyst in increasing the rate of settlement. Many new settlements emerged along the tracks. Also it supported the farmers as they found a medium for cheap transportation of their goods. As a simple rule of economics, before a significant large scale production of any commodity is achieved, it is very important to have an access to open markets where these products could be sold. Another important

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Greed and Materialism in the 1980s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Greed and Materialism in the 1980s - Essay Example Bateman is naming the litany of products and is pointing out items made possible by the defense research of the 1950s and 60s. Now they are made available as commercial goods. He has no appreciation for the goods, but values them for their space age quality and trendy name, much like owning an MX Missile. "What really is the best dry beer Is Bill Robinson an overrated designer What's wrong with IBM Ultimate luxury. Is the term "playing hardball" an adverb The fragile peace of Assisi. Electric light. The epitome of luxury. Ultimate luxury" (274). The conservative kids in the candy store have so many unanswered questions. Give me. Give me. Can I have a star wars defense system "I'm talking to the delivery guys from Park Avenue Sound Shop about HDTV, which isn't available yet, when one of the new black AT&T cordless phones rings. I tip them, then answer it" (308). The cold war had spurred technological advancements and Bateman was planning on reaping the benefits in the usual mindless, capitalist consumer fashion. ""...I watched the huge Sony TV over a breakfast of sliced kiwi and Japanese apple pear, Evian water, oat bran muffins, soy milk, and cinnamon granola, ruining my enjoyment of the grieving mothers..." (138).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Network Management - Quiz 9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Network Management - Quiz 9 - Assignment Example This is supportive when devices are of distant locations possessing varied IP addresses. Furthermore, VPN server provides cost benefits to the organisations operating in the technology sector (Senft, Gallegos & Davis, 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). It is to be affirmed that when the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, the Destination IP field of the packet’s header contained 14 IP fields. In this regard, 13 fields are required to be considered and the 14th field is optional (Senft et al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). When the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, it is worth mentioning that the Destination Port field of the packet’s header comprises destination IP address. It must be mentioned that the packet’s header does not contain any destination name (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). Based on the provided scenario, it can be affirmed that when the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, the payload of the packet is not encrypted. This might be owing to the reason that the server program of Y executed on the application server is deemed to be a readable one (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). With regards to the provided scenario, the program Z could be reckoned as Message Transfer Agent. Message Transfer Agent is a type of software, which transfers electronic messages from one particular device to others (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). After the Message Transfer Agent i.e. Z gets the packet, it will work upon the message transfer process for ensuring that the messages are transmitted from one specific user to others (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). In the process of message transfer from X to Y, the Message Transfer Agent i.e. Z needs to let the VPN server TO authenticate Alice. In this regard, it is essential that Z must require sending information to Administrative Management Domain (ADMD). ADMD is denoted as Z in the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Anatomy of a Picture Book Essay Example for Free

Anatomy of a Picture Book Essay Format/Size †¢Rectangular—This is the shape of most books †¢Horizontal—Often used to in stories about journeys †¢Vertical—May be used for â€Å"larger than life† characters oCohn, Amy L. Abraham Lincoln. oIsaacs, Anne. Swamp Angel. †¢Cutout forms—cutout in the form of buildings, animals, etc. Book Jacket/Dust Jacket †¢Think of a book jacket as a small poster wrapped around the book with flaps on the front and back. oOriginally used to keep books from being soiled oNow used to be eye-catching, to encourage you to pick up the book. †¢Should be appealing from a reasonable distance through its form and color †¢Provides important information about the book  oTitle oAuthor oIllustrator oShould predict the contents of the book oShould convey the age group for the book oBack of book jacket normally includes the book’s barcode with ISBN (International Standard Book Number) number, a unique number to identify a book. †¢Jacket areas oFace—front that faces us as the book is closed and lies on the table ? Is the picture on the cover repeated inside the book or is it unique? If the cover is repeated, it anticipates the plot of the story. ?Does the cover contradict the story? Is the cover mystifying? ?Cover may reflect most dramatic or enticing episode in story. However, the cover should not tell so much that it destroys the suspense of the story. ?Is the cover framed? Framing creates a sense of detachment. oBack—back of the jacket should relate to the front ?Consider how the book jacket flows from the front to the back ? When the jacket is flattened, the design should be homogeneous and consistent ? If you want to be a collector of children’s books, protect the book jackets by covering them in plastic. oWrap-around cover—uses one illustration that wraps around from the front to the back oBook flaps—include background information about the book. May also tell about the author and/or illustrator, etc. oSpine—located to the left, along the bound edge of the book. This is a narrow panel which you see when the book is shelved. Normally includes the title, author, publisher, and sometimes the illustrator. Book Casing/Book Cover †¢Stiff-cased casing—This is what you find underneath the book jacket. This is hard to see on library copies that have plastic put over the covers that is taped down. oSome book covers are simply a repeat of the book jacket. oThe higher quality picture books have a different book casing that is a type of cloth. ?Consider how this contributes to the overall design of the book. Consider color of the cloth, use of patterns, ornaments, or drawings. Does the color used fit the book? oDesigns on casing—This design normally refers to the central motif or symbol of the book. ?Blind stamp—sunken image of the same color as the casing ? Die stamp—sunken image of different color than the casing. Endpapaper (Endsheets) †¢Serve as structural bond between body of book and casing. They are glued down to casing to hold the book together. They are usually of heaver stock paper. oEndpapers may be a solid color, have a design, map, illustration, etc. Sometimes they convey important additional information. If the book is well designed the endpapers should be an integral part of the story. ?Color of endpapers may be symbolic to the story. †¢Endpapers should offer a transition between the exterior and the interior of the book, a â€Å"welcome† into the book. †¢Sometimes the narrative of the book actually begins on the endpapers. †¢Check to see if the front and back endpapers are exactly the same. If they are different, there is a significant reason. †¢Not included in paperback books. Front Matter †¢Front matter includes the beginning pages of the book through the title page and copyright page. Front matter may include blank or extra pages at the beginning of the book. oSets mood for story and may amplify meaning by indentifying books’ main character, setting, theme, etc. †¢Half title page (false title page)—placed before the title page and usually includes only the title and an illustration. Not found in every book. †¢Title page—includes title, author, illustrator, publisher. The illustration used on the title page should be one of the best found in the whole book. May be a detail of some picture in the body of the book. oDouble-page spread—a design that is unified across two pages oTwo distinct pages—one page has illustration; the other has text †¢Copyright page—back or verso of the title page. oContains circled â€Å"c† or word â€Å"copyright† with the year of publication and the name of the copyright owner. oAlso includes the book’s printing numbers or printing code. A first printing of a book may in the future become very valuable. ?First edition â€Å"generally means the book you are holding is the first printing of the first edition, in other words the first appearance of this particular text† (Horning 13). oIf a book was first published outside of the U. S. or a book is a translation, the original title, publisher, and date appear on the copyright page. oMay include the technique the illustrator used for the book, such as watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, oils, etc. oOften includes the name of the book’s typeface. oNormally includes the Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (abbreviated as CIP). This information helps libraries catalog books faster. Includes call numbers for books and may include a summary of the book, as well as the author, illustrator, title, and publisher. †¢Dedication page—may be included in the book. If book’s have separate authors and illustrators, there may be dedications from both individuals. Dedications may give clues to interesting personal information about the author/illustrator. Back Matter †¢Pages in the back of the book after main part of the book. Sometimes the copyright page is part of the back matter. †¢May include author/illustrator information, photographs, reviews, etc. †¢May also include source notes, glossary, index, bibliographies, acknowledgements, notes on the illustrations, other supplemental information, suggested activities to use with children, etc. Body of the Book †¢Main section of the book—what’s between the front matter and back matter. †¢Signature—pages inside the book are sewed or fastened together in one ore more sections classed signatures. A standard signature is sixteen pates. †¢Typeface/typography selected for book should fit the story. For emphasis, fonts may change (size, bold, italics). Layout of the text may also change to emphasize certain elements of the story. †¢Paper—should be of quality. May be matte, shiny, etc. Shiny paper gives a smooth, glazed surface that gives a high sheen and intensifies the colors. May also be heavier paper stock or textured. †¢Gutter—the middle area where pages come together. The illustrations that go over the gutter should not be misaligned or have missing parts because they are â€Å"caught† or lost in the gutter. †¢Placement of the text oVery formal—text placed opposite the illustrations on an adjacent page. A border or frame around the text or illustrations is even more formal. oFormal—text positioned above or beneath the illustrations. oInformal—text shaped with irregular boundaries to fit inside, outside, between, around, or to the side of the illustrations. oVery formal—no text at all (as in wordless books). †¢Placement of the illustrations oDouble-page spread—both facing pages are used for an illustration. The illustration â€Å"spreads across† both pages. Wanda Gag is credited with inventing this technique in her book Millions of Cats. oBorders—an outer edge or boundary, a frame, that encloses text and/or illustrations. Borders have decorative or geometric designs, folk designs from a particular culture, or visual symbols that relate to the story. oPanels—use of vertical sections to break apart an illustration. oVignettes—also called spot art. Small illustrations integrated into the layout of a single or double-page spread. They often allow the illustrator to tell a story through various stages. †¢Page turner element—what on a page makes you want to turn the page to continue the story? oIllustration—is there something in the picture that makes you want to turn the page? A figure facing right on the right hand page is often a page turner element. oText—is there something in the story that encourages you to turn the page? Integrated Whole †¢Visual symbolism—use of physical objects in the illustrations to represent abstract ideas. For example, a dove may symbolize love, gentleness, innocence, timidity, or peace. †¢A high quality picture book (like those which are Caldecott winners or honor books) should be well designed from the book jacket to the back matter, including the endpapers, and book casing. EECE 441 Prof. Sibley Minnesota State University Moorhead Bibliography Harms, Jeanne McLain, and Lucille J. Lettow. â€Å"Book Design Elements: Integrating the Whole. † Childhood Education 75. 1 (1998): 17-24. Education Full Text. Wilson Web. Livingston Lord Library, Moorhead, MN. 28 Aug. 2005 ___. â€Å"Book Design: Extending Verbal and Visual Literacy. † Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 2. 2 (1989): 136-42. Horning, Kathleen T. From Cover to Cover: Evaluating and Reviewing Children’s Books. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Matulka, Denise I. â€Å"Anatomy of a Picture Book. † 24 April 2005. Picturing Books. 28 August 2005 http://picturingbooks. imaginarylands. org/. Pitz, Henry C. Illustrating Children’s Books: History, Technique, Production. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1963. Troy, Ann. â€Å"Publishing. † CBC Features. July-Dec. 1989.  ©Carol Hanson Sibley, August 2005

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Example of Concert Essay Example for Free

Example of Concert Essay This was a paper written by an actual student in the Popular Music in America class. It is not offered as an award-winning review nor is it compositionally error-free. It did, however, receive an A for this assignment and is an example of the level of writing and analysis that is required to receive an A. Please do not, however, begin your paper in exactly the same way or attempt to copy â€Å"buzz words† or phrases. Write your own paper! On February 17, 2005, the Jazz Ensemble at Tarleton State University had their first concert of the spring semester with special guest trumpeter, Daryl White. The jazz ensembles collectively performed thirteen pieces during the concert. â€Å"Fly Me to the Moon†, â€Å"Waltz for Debby† and â€Å"Ancient Memories† were three stylistically different pieces that allowed the audience to experience the various sounds of jazz music. Jazz music, like all music, tells a story and here are the stories of â€Å"Fly Me to the Moon†, â€Å"Waltz for Debby† and â€Å"Ancient Memories†. â€Å"Fly Me to the Moon†, written by Bart Howard and arranged by Sammy Nestico, is an upbeat standard sung most famously by Frank Sinatra. In the instrumental version of this song, a Latin-inspired sounding consonance set the romantic mood at the beginning of this song. A piano and saxophone then alternated the melody of the song as though they were dancing like two lovers flying to the moon. As the passion of the song heated up, the texture changed within the song as the saxophone took the melody and the piano and other instruments within the ensemble were in accompaniment. The rhythm, which was continuously steady seemed to get faster like a heart beat by the climax of the song. It was also at this point that the dynamics of the song were increasingly getting louder until all instruments met at the top with a bang and then changed the dynamics again to a moderate level until the song concluded.

Differentiation Between Respiration and Breathing

Differentiation Between Respiration and Breathing Report: The differentiation between respiration and breathing and an explanation of the adaptation of the alveoli and their role in gas exchange. Introduction This report will explore the differences between respiration and breathing by defining their structures and functions and attaching a hand drawn diagram of the respiratory tract to refer to. The author will also give an explanation of how gasses are exchanged through the alveoli by providing a table explaining the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. A description of the adaptations of the alveoli will be provided to show how they maximise the effectiveness of gas exchange. A summary will then be drawn from the findings. Differences between respiration and breathing The Respiratory System (Appendix .1) The respiratory system consists of tissues and also organs that help with the process of breathing. The core parts of this important system are the airways, lungs, linked blood vessels, and also the muscles that allow breathing. Airways The airways are pipes that carry oxygen to the lungs. They also carry waste gas, such as carbon dioxide out of the lungs. The airways consists of; linked air passages in the nose, (called nasal cavities), the mouth, Larynx (voice box), the trachea (windpipe) and lastly tubes named bronchi or also known as bronchial tubes, and also their branches. Air moves into the body through the mouth and nose, which warms and also wets the air. (Dry cold air can irritate the lungs causing problems for asthma sufferers). The air then moves down the Larynx and through the trachea. The windpipe splits into two bronchial tubes, the ait moves through here and then enters the lungs (Remedy Health Media, 2015). A thin flap of tissue named the epiglottis, covers the windpipe when swallowing. This prevents both food and drink from entering the air passageways that lead to the lungs, if this failed to be successful an individual could die. With an exception of some parts of the nose and the mouth, all of the other airways have special hairs known as cilia that are coated with tacky/sticky mucus. These cilia trap foreign particles and germs that enter the airways when breathing in. These tiny, fine hairs then collect the particles up to the mouth or nose. From there, theyre swallowed, sneezed or coughed out. Nose hairs and mouth saliva also trap germs and particles. Lungs and Blood Vessels Remedy Health Media (2015), also suggest that linked blood vessels and also the lungs carry oxygen to the human body and also remove carbon dioxide. The lungs are situated on either side of the breastbone and fill the area of the chest cavity. The left hand lung is ever so slightly smaller than the right hand lung to allow room for the cardiac muscle (heart). In both lungs, the bronchi divide into thousands of thinner tubes known as bronchioles and these thin tubes end in bunches of tiny rounded air sacs known as alveoli. Each of the alveoli are covered with little blood vessels known as capillaries. The capillaries connect to a complex system of veins and arteries that transport blood through the whole body. The pulmonary artery including also its branches carry blood which is holding only carbon dioxide and no oxygen to the capillaries that surround the alveoli. Inside the alveoli, carbon dioxide transfers from the blood into the air. In conjunction with this, oxygen transfers from the air and into the blood within the capillaries. The blood which is now carrying the oxygen moves to the heart through the pulmonary vein and also its branches. The cardiac muscle pumps the blood holding the oxygen out to the body. The lungs are separated into five sections known as lobes. Some individuals have to have a diseased lung lobe removed, however they can still breathe sufficiently by using their remaining lung lobes. Muscles Used for Breathing Human Kinetics (2015), state that muscles situated near to the lungs help expand (loosen) and contract, (tighten) the lungs to allow breathing. These muscles comprise of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles and muscles in the neck and also collarbone area. The diaphragm is the main muscle for breathing and is dome-shaped and located beneath the lungs. It divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. They also explain that the intercostal muscles are positioned between the ribs. They also play a huge part in helping with our breathing. Beneath the diaphragm are the abdominal muscles. They help with breathing out when we breathe fast (for example, during exercise). Muscles in the neck and also collarbone area help with inhalation when other muscles involved in breathing dont work as well as they should, or when lung disease impairs breathing capacity. Breathing Inhalation Hyper physics (2012), explain that during inhalation, the diaphragm contracts (tightens) and moves down which maximises the space in the chest, allowing room for the lungs to expand. The intercostal muscles situated in between the ribs also help to enlarge the chest. They contract to move the rib cage both up and out when inhaling. As the lungs capacity increases, air is drawn in through the mouth and nose. The air makes its way through the windpipe and enters the lungs. After making its way through the bronchial tubes, the air finally reaches and moves into the alveoli. Through the extremely thin walls of the alveoli, oxygen taken from the air moves to the capillaries. Haemoglobin, a red blood cell protein aids the movement of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood. In conjunction with this, carbon dioxide travels from the capillaries into the alveoli. The gas has travelled in the bloodstream from the right side of the heart through the pulmonary artery. Blood carrying oxygen from the lungs is carried through the capillaries to the pulmonary vein which delivers the oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart. The left side of the heart pumps the blood to the rest of the body. There, the oxygen in the blood moves from blood vessels into surrounding tissues (Hyper physics, 2012). Exhalation During the act exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and moves up and into the chest cavity. The intercostal muscles which sit between the ribs also relax to decrease the space available within the chest cavity. As this available space in the chest cavity reduces, air rich in carbon dioxide is forced out of the lungs and then windpipe, and lastly out of the mouth or nose (Boundless Biology, 2015). Exhalation requires no effort unless lung disease is apparent or physical activity is taking place. During physically activity, the stomach muscles contract and force the diaphragm against the lungs more than usual which rapidly pushes air out of the lungs (Boundless Biology, 2015). The adaptations of the alveoli and their role in gas exchange Gas exchange An exchange of gases takes place within the alveoli, between the gases inside the alveoli and the blood. Blood that arrives in the alveoli has a greater carbon dioxide concentration which is produced during  respiration  by the body’s cells. However, the air in the alveoli has a much smaller concentration of carbon dioxide, resulting in a concentration gradient  which allows carbon dioxide to  diffuse  out of the blood and into the alveolar air (Intel, 2014). Also according to Intel (2014), blood arriving in the alveoli has a lower oxygen concentration (as it has been used for respiration by the body’s cells), while the air in the alveoli has a higher oxygen concentration. Therefore, oxygen moves into the blood by diffusion and combines with the  haemoglobin  in red blood cells to form the combined oxyhaemoglobin. This table taken from BBC (2014), shows the differences (estimated figures) in the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. Adaptations of the alveoli According to ABPI (2015), to maximise the effectiveness of gas exchange, the alveoli have numerous adaptations such as, they are folded, providing a much greater  surface area  for gas exchange to occur. Also the walls of the alveoli are only one cell thick which makes the exchange surface very thin shortening the diffusion distance across which gases have to move. Each alveolus is surrounded by blood  capillaries  which ensure a good blood supply. This is important as the blood is constantly taking oxygen away and bringing in more carbon dioxide, which helps to maintain the maximum concentration gradient between the blood and the air in the alveoli. Lastly each alveolus is  ventilated, removing waste carbon dioxide and replenishing oxygen levels in the alveolar air. This also helps to maintain the maximum concentration gradient between the blood and the air in the alveoli (ABPI, 2015). Summary This report has explored the differences between respiration and breathing by defining their structures and functions. The author has also give an explanation of how gasses are exchanged through the alveoli by providing a table explaining the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. A description of the adaptations of the alveoli has been provided to show how they maximise the effectiveness of gas exchange. Bibliography About. Com (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. BBC GCSE Bitesize (2014) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Boundless Biology (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Boyle, M, Indge, B and Senior, K. 1999. Human Biology. London: Harper Collins. Human Kinetics (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Hyper Physics (2012) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Intel Corporation (2014) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Joeseph, C. 2014. Anatomy. Ivy Press. Modelo Dynamic Views (2013) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Preserve Articles (2012) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Remedy Health Media (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Ricardo Espulgas (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Roberts, A. 2014. Human Anatomy, The Definitive Visual Guide. Dorling Kindersley Limited. The association of the Pharmaceutical Industry ABPI (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Wen MD (2005-2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Dominique Rundle

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Antigones Fate Essay -- Character Analysis Sophocles

Sophocles play titled Antigone, embellishes the opposing conflicts between Antigone who stands for the values of family, and Creon who stands for the values of state. Sophocles explores the depths of Antigone’s morality and the duty based on consequence throughout the play, as well as the practical consequences of Creon who is passionate and close-minded. Although Antigone’s moral decisions appear to be more logical and favorable than Creon’s, a personal argument would be that both characters’ decisions in society can be equally justified. In the play, Sophocles examines the nature of Antigone and Creon who have two different views about life, and use those views against one another. Antigone who is depicted as the hero represents the value of family. According to Richard Braun, translator of Sophocles Antigone, Antigone’s public heroism is domestically motivated: â€Å"never does [Antigone] give a political explanation of her deed; on the contrary, from the start [Antigone] assumes it is her hereditary duty to bury Polynices, and it is from inherited courage that [Antigone] expects to gain the strength required for the task† (8). Essentially, it is Antigone’s strong perception of family values that drive the instinct to disobey Creon’s orders and to willingly challenge the King’s authority to dictate her role in society. In addition, Antigone is a strong believer in the divine laws of the gods and that by following those laws the gods will give Antigone an honorable place in the afterlife. In a quote by Antigone to Ismene, â€Å"I will bury him myself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory†¦I have longer to please the dead than please the living here† (Sophocles, 1468). It is this unyielding belief that pushe... of family becomes disobedient against state laws posed by Creon, the king of Thebes, acknowledging that the deeds are moral and are seen by the gods as honorable. In the case for Creon, the character believed in the laws made by mortals, not the divine gods. Although Creon was the champion of upholding the state law, the tragic ending that occurred left Creon without anything else but the power of the throne. Works Cited Braun Emil Richard. Introduction. â€Å"Sophocles Antigone.† 7th ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1974. 8. Print. Peters, Julia. "A Theory Of Tragic Experience According To Hegel." European Journal Of Philosophy 19.1 (2011): 85-106. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 May 2012. Sophocles. â€Å"Antigone.† The Bedford Introduction to Literature Reading, Thinking, Writing. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Bedford / St. Martins, 2011. 1279-280. Print.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

In the case against the topic statement, the first area we are going to be looking at is regards to the â€Å"White Hats†. White Hat is a term that was originally used to describe some on sound moral character. Today it used to describe a special kind of hacker, that uses their skill set in order to expose weakness in a system with intent of having them fixed. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Importance of Being Earnest :: Literary Analysis Literature Essays

Analysis of Importance of Being Earnest   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"No man is an island.† This means that no man is alone. Of all of the men on the planet, they all have somebody. It may not be obvious to them, but they are not alone. This relates to â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest† by Oscar Wilde in a light tone. Jack has no idea who either of his parents are. Lady Bracknell tells Jack: â€Å"To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.†(Act 1) When he finds out that the handbag he was in as an infant belongs to Miss Prism he embraces her and calls her â€Å"Mother†. Jack has been lonely without the knowledge of his parents and when he gets a hint of what might be a reality, he lights up like a Christmas tree without acknowledging that it might turn out to be false. This also holds true for Jack and Algernon. Algernon is alone and Jack asks for his help pretending to be his brother. Jack and Algernon both are helping each other during the time they are posing as brothers. They have each other’s company so that they aren’t alone. Another good example of the saying, â€Å"No man is an island†, is the love between Jack’s younger wicked â€Å"brother†, Algernon and Cecily. It is not love at first sight, but rather she had fallen in love with him months prior to the day. Wilde has meant for us to interpret this as Algernon, even if everybody in his life leaves him, he will have Cecily’s love for him in both of his or her hearts. Even if Algernon never knew that Cecily is in love with him, Algernon will never be alone. With his feelings toward Cecily known as said by Algernon: â€Å"Cecily is the sweetest, dearest, prettiest girl in the whole world.†(Act 3) The final few pages of the book also have a very important turn of events that portray that people aren’t alone at all in the world. Lady Bracknell tells Jack about who his parents are: â€Å"You are the son of my poor sister, Mrs. Moncrieff, and consequently Algernon’s older brother.†(Act 3) Throughout the play, Jack and Algernon thought that they were less than brothers, just friends. But in the end it is known that they are in fact brothers and they were oblivious to the fact. This further explains that without even knowing the truth about one another, they will always be there for each other.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The History of Volleyball

In 1895, a man named William Morgan wanted to create a new game requiring less physical contact than basketball. He decided to blend elements of basketball, tennis, handball, and baseball resulting in the game of Volleyball (at the time called mintonette). Morgan took a tennis net and raised it 6 ? feet; he required the players to hit the ball back and forth over it, keeping it from hitting the ground. During a demonstration, someone stated that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and the new name â€Å"volleyball† was born. The first game of volleyball was played at Springfield College in 1896. Four years later, in 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport. Volleyball was presented, in 1907, at the Playground of America convention as one of the most popular sports. In 1916, an offensive style of passing the ball was introduced; one player passes the ball high in the air to be struck by another teammate as it comes back down which is now known as â€Å"set† and â€Å"spike†. In 1920, the rule only allowing the ball to be hit three times per side was set into place. The first YMCA national championships were held in Brooklyn, NY in 1922. It was clear that tournaments and rules were needed, so USA Volleyball was formed. Over the next 27 years, volleyball became a worldwide sport and was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964. The U. S. won their first Olympic medals in 1984 in Los Angeles, the women won Silver, and the men won Gold. Two-person beach volleyball was introduced as an Olympic Sport in 1996. In 2001, Kerri Walsh and Misty May became a team. Together, these two women competed in the Olympics 3 times. They won 3 Olympic gold metals, winning all 21 Olympic matches, only losing one set. They became known as the worlds greatest women’s beach volleyball team, holding the world record for consecutive match wins; 90 victories. The sport of volleyball has been around for 118 years, with little changes to rules and regulations. It is a young sport, but has become one of the most popular sports played all around the world.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument Essay

â€Å"A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument† is a book that spans across multiple genres of literature and allows the reader to get a taste of classical and contemporary issues regarding the different values of society and how they evolve amongst secondary cultures (Barnet). The man to send rain clouds, by Leslie Marmon Silko â€Å"The man to send rain clouds† was originally published in the late 1960’s. The story revolves around the culture of the native Indians and the significance of culture in every day domestic life. The story presents to the reader how external influences impinge on these domestic values and customs, and how these external influences continue to do so as time passes by. Using the characters of the Catholics and the Pueblos, Leslie Marmon Silko has narrated how an evolving culture is considered to be a fading culture and how the people of that culture attempt to keep it alive in its original form through their actions and preferences. This is a story about an old man and his grandsons and their wives. It begins with the death of the old man, the story implies, that the old man and his grandsons were shepherds and farmers. The old man being left to tend to the sheep dies peacefully under the shade of the tree. The grandsons when discover that he has died, they adorn his face with paint symbols similar to that of the native Indian rain makers. Then this group heads on home. However in the entire story, there is a lack of emotion and expression on the grandson’s part. The only emotion that can be ascertained is that of interest and anticipation on the grandson Leon. Leon seems to see the old man’s death as a means to send them rain, which also brings to mind the fact that perhaps the town was suffering the drought season. Anyhow the old man is buried without any religious preliminaries mandatory for a Christian burial, with the exception of the sprinkling of Holy Water on the old man’s body, which Leon insists on, giving the excuse that by doing this the old man will never feel thirst. However even though the Priest insists on full religious ceremony, the grandsons take no heed and proceed without. However when the old man is buried Holy water is sprinkled on his body and grave. At this point Leon exclaims that his grandfather will be able to send rain. From the above story, comes forth an in depth view of common town life that hold secret beliefs of the Native Indians and their power of Indian magic. In this case it seems that the grandsons are in a way almost excited by the fact, that their grandfather will be able to initiate rain for the town. Or rather they presented their dead grandfather as a sacrifice to the rain maker. It is for this reason that they paint his face with symbols and lines and bury the Christian parishioner without any rightful Christian rights. â€Å"Only approved Indians can play: Made in USA†, by Jack Forbes This historic piece of penmanship was published in 1979 and like all the other works of literature in the book â€Å"A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument†, this too takes the reader In â€Å"Only approved Indians can play: Made in USA†, Jack Forbes writes about American Indians and how the modern day American society chooses to interact with them. Forbes has used characters of Indian descent to show how Indian Americans learn to visualize the change they long for even when it cannot be attained. Unique and struggling, the characters introduce the reader to the wide array of Indian American lifestyles. â€Å"The two†, by Gloria Naylor In Gloria Naylor’s, â€Å"The Two†, we see a metaphorical approach towards the sensitivities in the relationships of life. For instance, the yellow mist is observed to be a metaphor that presents to the reader the countless complicated and interrelated intricacies that swarm the lesbian couple. The Oriental Contingent, by Diana Chang Many books, articles and stories have been written about the influences of a culture upon a society or that of a society on a culture however few have been written about people of the same culture learning to live in a foreign country. One such is â€Å"The Original Contingent† by Diana Chang. The â€Å"Original Contingent† was published in 1989. In the â€Å"Oriental Contingent†, Diana Chang brings to light the ways in which the Asian populace measures up and compares each other. â€Å"The Original Contingent† achieves its purpose by taking us through a journey of two young women as they both consider each other to be of a better native heritage than the other. By portraying the two women pushed apart by the extent to which they have absorbed the cultural concept of being Chinese and having a Chinese heritage, the Original Contingent explores how the Chinese American culture evolves horizontally within the community and is passed down vertically. â€Å"Who’s Irish†, by Gish Jen â€Å"Who’s Irish† was first published in June 2000 by Vintage Publishers. Writer Gish Jen has been acclaimed by many critics to be an Asian American Writer with an east coast sense of culture and heritage. It is common knowledge that the process of migrating to America and often causes collisions in cultural respects and lead to much confusion. â€Å"Who’s Irish† by Gish Jen centers around the slow and painful process that people more than often have to go through after migrating to another land. Highly fascinating is the way Gish Jen has used a rare blend of Chinese and Irish cultures to demonstrate her point of view. â€Å"Who’s Irish† explores some of the most important avenues of the significance given to culture in the modern day society and how the process of transformation and adaption of culture influences the people directly as well as indirectly. â€Å"The lesson†, by Toni Cade Bambara Toni Cade Bambara’s â€Å"The Lesson† speaks about more than racial and economic inequalities but highlights a related subject that has been rarely given its due importance. Toni Cade Bambara speaks of beyond the injustice of life where man learns the importance of being willing to learn new things. Toni Cade Bambara uses his lead character in â€Å"The lesson† to portray the tendency people have to resist letting the process of learning shape their minds, yet choose to let the process take effect in their subconscious. At times, as Bambara shows us, the process takes place at an even higher level when we tend to accept the knowledge we are given but we choose not to show that we have accepted our error. By showing a stubborn little young girls journey through the process of learning and realization, Bambara speaks of how we learn new things as we live and how we choose to defend our pride as we learn that our perceptions of the reality we live in may be wrong. Works Cited Barnet, Sylvan. A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument. Longman, 2006. A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument Essay â€Å"A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument† is a book that spans across multiple genres of literature and allows the reader to get a taste of classical and contemporary issues regarding the different values of society and how they evolve amongst secondary cultures (Barnet). The man to send rain clouds, by Leslie Marmon Silko â€Å"The man to send rain clouds† was originally published in the late 1960’s. The story revolves around the culture of the native Indians and the significance of culture in every day domestic life. The story presents to the reader how external influences impinge on these domestic values and customs, and how these external influences continue to do so as time passes by. Using the characters of the Catholics and the Pueblos, Leslie Marmon Silko has narrated how an evolving culture is considered to be a fading culture and how the people of that culture attempt to keep it alive in its original form through their actions and preferences. This is a story about an old man and his grandsons and their wives. It begins with the death of the old man, the story implies, that the old man and his grandsons were shepherds and farmers. The old man being left to tend to the sheep dies peacefully under the shade of the tree. The grandsons when discover that he has died, they adorn his face with paint symbols similar to that of the native Indian rain makers. Then this group heads on home. However in the entire story, there is a lack of emotion and expression on the grandson’s part. The only emotion that can be ascertained is that of interest and anticipation on the grandson Leon. Leon seems to see the old man’s death as a means to send them rain, which also brings to mind the fact that perhaps the town was suffering the drought season. Anyhow the old man is buried without any religious preliminaries mandatory for a Christian burial, with the exception of the sprinkling of Holy Water on the old man’s body, which Leon insists on, giving the excuse that by doing this the old man will never feel thirst. However even though the Priest insists on full religious ceremony, the grandsons take no heed and proceed without. However when the old man is buried Holy water is sprinkled on his body and grave. At this point Leon exclaims that his grandfather will be able to send rain. From the above story, comes forth an in depth view of common town life that hold secret beliefs of the Native Indians and their power of Indian magic. In this case it seems that the grandsons are in a way almost excited by the fact, that their grandfather will be able to initiate rain for the town. Or rather they presented their dead grandfather as a sacrifice to the rain maker. It is for this reason that they paint his face with symbols and lines and bury the Christian parishioner without any rightful Christian rights. â€Å"Only approved Indians can play: Made in USA†, by Jack Forbes This historic piece of penmanship was published in 1979 and like all the other works of literature in the book â€Å"A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument†, this too takes the reader In â€Å"Only approved Indians can play: Made in USA†, Jack Forbes writes about American Indians and how the modern day American society chooses to interact with them. Forbes has used characters of Indian descent to show how Indian Americans learn to visualize the change they long for even when it cannot be attained. Unique and struggling, the characters introduce the reader to the wide array of Indian American lifestyles. â€Å"The two†, by Gloria Naylor In Gloria Naylor’s, â€Å"The Two†, we see a metaphorical approach towards the sensitivities in the relationships of life. For instance, the yellow mist is observed to be a metaphor that presents to the reader the countless complicated and interrelated intricacies that swarm the lesbian couple. The Oriental Contingent, by Diana Chang Many books, articles and stories have been written about the influences of a culture upon a society or that of a society on a culture however few have been written about people of the same culture learning to live in a foreign country. One such is â€Å"The Original Contingent† by Diana Chang. The â€Å"Original Contingent† was published in 1989. In the â€Å"Oriental Contingent†, Diana Chang brings to light the ways in which the Asian populace measures up and compares each other. â€Å"The Original Contingent† achieves its purpose by taking us through a journey of two young women as they both consider each other to be of a better native heritage than the other. By portraying the two women pushed apart by the extent to which they have absorbed the cultural concept of being Chinese and having a Chinese heritage, the Original Contingent explores how the Chinese American culture evolves horizontally within the community and is passed down vertically. â€Å"Who’s Irish†, by Gish Jen â€Å"Who’s Irish† was first published in June 2000 by Vintage Publishers. Writer Gish Jen has been acclaimed by many critics to be an Asian American Writer with an east coast sense of culture and heritage. It is common knowledge that the process of migrating to America and often causes collisions in cultural respects and lead to much confusion. â€Å"Who’s Irish† by Gish Jen centers around the slow and painful process that people more than often have to go through after migrating to another land. Highly fascinating is the way Gish Jen has used a rare blend of Chinese and Irish cultures to demonstrate her point of view. â€Å"Who’s Irish† explores some of the most important avenues of the significance given to culture in the modern day society and how the process of transformation and adaption of culture influences the people directly as well as indirectly. â€Å"The lesson†, by Toni Cade Bambara Toni Cade Bambara’s â€Å"The Lesson† speaks about more than racial and economic inequalities but highlights a related subject that has been rarely given its due importance. Toni Cade Bambara speaks of beyond the injustice of life where man learns the importance of being willing to learn new things. Toni Cade Bambara uses his lead character in â€Å"The lesson† to portray the tendency people have to resist letting the process of learning shape their minds, yet choose to let the process take effect in their subconscious. At times, as Bambara shows us, the process takes place at an even higher level when we tend to accept the knowledge we are given but we choose not to show that we have accepted our error. By showing a stubborn little young girls journey through the process of learning and realization, Bambara speaks of how we learn new things as we live and how we choose to defend our pride as we learn that our perceptions of the reality we live in may be wrong. Works Cited Barnet, Sylvan. A Little Literature: Reading, Writing, Argument. Longman, 2006.

Paper Planes

A striking intro together with a captivating chorus that harmoniously complements every line from the verse are some of the usual elements that make a song popular.However, while elements, such as lyrics, contribute to a song’s appeal to the mass audience, elements can also serve as tools to state a singer’s opinion on relevant social matters.   The song Paper Planes by singer M.I.A, for instance, uses the song’s lyrical content to attack the established systems that have become destructive for humankindSuperficially, the song infers to the absurdity of the unyielding problem of prejudice in the dominant western world.   The words such as if you catch me at the border, I got visas in my name, in the first two verses of the song blatantly brings forth the most unimaginable a person can have in a in a foreign land.   Particularly in the United States where immigrants are stereotypically associated to criminal activities such as terrorism, murder, violence, an d illegal substance transactions.The sound of four consecutive gunshots intertwined with a ring of a cash register and a choral of children most blatantly serves Paper Planes’ attack on the immorality of racial prejudice.   The infusion of the aforementioned sound effects with the lines all I wanna do is, and take your money, the song disparages the prevalent collective neurosis that most robberies and crimes perpetrated across the United States are done by foreigners.However, the song goes deeper than the literal meaning of the words used in its lyrics.   As much as Paper Planes blatantly hints at the prejudice within American soil, it also criticizes the violence and the exploitation of human achievements such as technology to spread chaos, two destructive acts that has become rampant in modern society.  M.I.A. has stressed on such disparagement through the words no one in the corner has swagger like us, hit me on my burner, prepaid and wireless.   We pack and deliv er like UPS trucks, already going hell just pumping that gas.Likewise, M.I.A’s Paper Planes also manifests an opposition against the alleged good qualities of capitalism and consumerist culture that ignores the actual human condition while tolerating war and violence.The interwoven sounds of gunshots, singing children, and cash register ring together with the repeated verse lines express the futility of war, the degenerative tendency of the predominant practice of private enterprise, as well as psychological effects of violence on adults and children.Unlike other songs that seek the appreciation of the general populace, the lyrical content of Paper Plains metaphorically attacks the current prevalent social norms.   The only problem is that the message it aims to disseminate becomes misconstrued by the very public it wishes to reach out to.   

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jack Ma (Ma, Yun), “Alibaba” of China’s E-Commerce Business

Alibaba Group, even only with 12years history, is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms for small businesses in the world. Its business includes: Alibaba. com, which is for small firms to find customers and suppliers without going through middlemen, has 57million users, nearly in every country. Another marketplace, Taobao. com, is for individuals buying goods from each other; it has 300million customers and $29 billion-worth of goods. Also, China Yahoo! , One of China's leading Internet portals, was acquired by Alibaba in 2005 as part of its strategic partnership with Yahoo! Inc. In 2010, the revenue of Alibaba Group increased by 49% and with 47% profit increase compared to 2009. It had been named by Forbes as one of the best B2B platforms in the world for 5 years. Jack Ma (Ma, Yun), the founder of Alibaba, is the key to lead the success of Alibaba. Ma was chosen by the World Economic Forum as a â€Å"Young Global Leader† in 2001; He was named one of the â€Å"25 Most Powerful Businesspeople in Asia† by Fortune in 2005. He shows his charisma always, in front of his employees, and also be admired by all youngsters in China who dream to found their own companies. Jack Ma reveals his transformational leadership from the set-up stage. By envisioning his vision and the desirable future, even though without any promises of return, he built up an 18-â€Å"Arhats† team to start this â€Å"new concept† business in China. After developing B2B business, Jack Ma has created and grasped big opportunities in these 12 years in C2C platform, online payment system, loan service, etc†¦huge investments didn’t give him and his team any chances to retreat, with the high expectations ; inspirational motivations, his team has gained successes of almost all strategic business plans. But recently in Feb, 2010, Alibaba admitted that it had granted â€Å"gold† global suppliers (a mark of supposed integrity) to 2,236 dealers who it says subsequently defrauded buyers globally in 2009 and 2010. The top two executives at Alibaba. com have resigned to accept responsibility. In the statement from Alibaba, an internal investigation had found that about 100 sales staff and â€Å"a number of supervisors and sales managers† were â€Å"directly responsible in either intentionally or negligently allowing the fraudsters to evade† various controls. Conclusion of the investigation report is: Excessive pursuit of performance makes the sales/managers to obtain short-term economic interests by any means, leading to the persistence of fraud. Jack Ma expressed his pity to lost 2 good leaders, especially when they were not personally involved in the fraud for any direct benefits. But Alibaba should be holding on the ethical principles, customer first value. Jack Ma emphasized that Ethics is the baseline when pursuing for performance. Although CEO or Alibaba. com – David Wei had lead to 4 years big increases, he still chose to agree his resignation. However, it shows that as the company is getting bigger, Jack Ma met difficulty to drive his own values ; principles to the whole organization sustainably, if just by personal influence. As a big company already, should be Alibaba directed and managed by one people, or managed based on effective systems are more important at this stage? The origin of the fraud was: the performance evaluation system in B2B team(Alibaba. com) relies on Sales KPI too much. If Ma wants to get company’s value ; principles back, review and re-design would be necessary. As an individual, Ma can’t influence over 22,000 employees directly. When getting to mature stage of Alibaba, Ma’s leadership needs to be more focusing on build up the suitable systems to motivate employees in the right direction. This also reflects in another area, assessing ; selecting the right leaders and the systems to develop talents. In the past 4 years, Ma changed 3 people for CEO for Yahoo(China) from hiring externally. Furthermore, he is still the one who leads the business direction/strategy on his own. In stead of challenging the followers to get them developing fast enough to lead the business, Jack Ma preferred to hire CEO out of Alibaba in the past few years. but still, what’s getting better is, we can see recently, he started to put his followers into bigger ; leading roles to lead the business directly as they are getting more mature. Jack Ma ; Alibaba Group is facing fierce competitions from the threat of new entrants-some big internet companies in China. Let’s talk a look whether Ma’s leadership will help Alibaba group achieve it’s â€Å"Big Taobao† strategy, and go forward in the future. References: 1. Alibaba, China's king of e-commerce, 2. Alibaba and the 2236 thieves, 3. 4.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reaction paper Essay

Last summer term, in relation to our subject Business Policy and Strategy, our professor required our class to attend a seminar about the programs being held by a non-government organization, which is the Development Action for Women Network (DAWN). At first, I don’t even know that an organization like this exists and I don’t have any idea on what is it all about, or what are the activities it is engaged into. Before going to the seminar’s venue, I had a presumption that it will be about how to develop a good business strategy, or some kind of an inspiring speech from someone successful. Upon arriving at the venue, I’m quite disappointed because the seminar is almost halfway through. I already had the mindset that I wouldn’t learn anything from it because, in addition to the fact that we were late, we were also had no choice but to take the seats at the last rows of the venue. But, when the speaker said something about the Filipino women and their half-Japanese, half-Filipino children, it stirred my curiosity and tried really hard to listen, to concentrate and to cope-up with the talk. And that’s when I have learned what DAWN is all about. Based on the speeches of those people involved with DAWN, their main advocacy is to help promote human rights and welfare, particularly of those Filipino women who migrated in Japan and their Japanese-Filipino children. I was disturbed by the specificity of their objective, I mean, why for Filipino women who migrated in Japan only? Then, I came to realize that maltreated and violated Filipinas from Japan are very common, so why not? I became interested to learn more about DAWN because their vision and missions are inclined to the promotion of equality between men and women and also the protection of women rights for the betterment of their families. Of course, this is a very important matter for a woman like me. I was also amazed by the number of programs they have to provide services to their clients, like providing health assistance, legal and paralegal assistance, educational assistance, temporary shelter, case management services, and even air/travel assistance. But more than these programs, the speakers also mentioned about their other activities that would provide long-term help to their clients. These are the alternative livelihood programs they’re implementing, like the Sikap Buhay (SIKHAY) and the DAWN Multipurpose Cooperative Inc. Through these, their clients can start rebuilding their lives, and at the same time regain their sense of dignity and self-worth through participating actively in productive activities. One of the speakers also mentioned that DAWN also provides further assistance to interested women clients in acquiring new skills that are apt to the changing times, such as hands-on computer training. These helpful programs show that DAWN is really willing and is committed in helping their clients. So, I think, that was the seminar is all about – to inform us about DAWN and its undertakings and to encourage us to support, and if possible, to participate in their activities. But the main objective of this paper is to be able to relate what we’ve learned in the said seminar to our subject, Business Policy and Strategy. So, the question is, how can we incorporate a good business strategy into DAWN’s activities? I can see many possible ways. One good business strategy is to use their advocacy to promote possible profit-oriented programs. The use of ideals or principles that promote, for example, human rights, will enhance the image of a company, and will in turn, may attract investors, sponsors, or even customers. Another strategy is to build a separate branch or a firm that will provide the same programs (i.e., training, counselling) to other group of people that has the capability to pay for such services. They have an advantage because they already have experience and are already known in providing those kinds of services. Another strategy is to use their network groups in promoting their possible â€Å"profit-oriented† activities. Since they have developed and maintained strong linkages with their fellow NGOs and also to some government agencies, they can utilize it to have better access to resources and to the market. And besides, their relationship with the other organizations also adds to the credibility of the company. Finally, another strategy that I can think of is the proper utilization of their research and development facilities to be able to expand and improve the business. This is also a possibility and can likewise provide an advantage because DAWN has established an extensive network with research institutions for ready access to vital research findings as well as for immediate response to needs for other areas for research. It is an edge over their competitors who don’t have established relationships with research institutions. And that is how I see the relationship between DAWN and business strategy. I therefore conclude that no matter what your line of business is, there can always be a good strategy available for you to have an edge over the others. All you have to do is to utilize what you have and be the best in it, just like what DAWN is doing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Exam 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Exam 3 - Essay Example Another aspect that makes the two considerably akin to each other is the way they fashioned their conclusions. The former concludes that ‘hers is a valuable necklace,’ while the latter ends by saying ‘students should not be given entire freedom in choosing elective courses.’ Both are not accurate conclusions as their premises are not also logically aligned and factually acceptable. A contradiction to the principle of modus ponens, such premises were not true as prior validation is required for both claims to be recognized (Surhone, Timpledon, & Marseken, 2010). As already mentioned, the extrapolation that college freshmen do not have adequate knowledge of what makes a good education is a blatant falsity. It is a fallacy at work when it is not yet evidenced that these segments of society are wholly devoid of the grasp as to what are the essential components of their college education. Conversely, it can also be not totally evinced that every single item in Ti ffany’s is of the highest value and is of the loftiest price, as validations from reliable authorities are needed to establish these to counter such bandwagon (marketing) tactics.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ike Turner and Tina Turner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ike Turner and Tina Turner - Essay Example Meanwhile, the most famous forms of grave crime might just probably be murder and rape. But the majority of reported crimes involve non-stranger violence, consisting of property and drug crimes. (Koski, 2002) According to Koski (2002), the crimes that arouse the greatest fear in people are violent, personal attacks by strangers. He went on to say that interpersonal crime is deeply damaging seeing as it also causes emotional and financial toll on its victims. Another kind of crime that might apply to the case to be discussed in this paper is predatory crime. Such consists of a "motivated offender" and a "suitable target." However, the most frequent form of crime might just arguably be abuse, in any form. Abuse is often defined as "a corrupt practice or custom or an improper or excessive use or treatment." (Abuse, 2008) This word seriously condemns any unjust physical maltreatment. Koski (2008) said that in such cases of people wanting to discuss the root of some crimes, they would straight away go to the offender for answers. However, stereotypes of such persons do not always match their real characteristics. In order to help people properly understand offenders, he outlined the core characteristics of a criminal offender. First is the age of onset. ... First is the age of onset. According to such a character, a criminal offender might have started on such a path or life trajectory of committing crimes at an early age or early stage of his or her life. Second is childhood environment. With this, Koski (2008) attributes his offending tendencies to having been brought up or raised in an unstable environment. He or she might have experienced "severe physical abuse, emotional trauma, and showed signs of 'hypermasculinity' engendered by the absence of a father." Third is substance abuse. Of course this would entail taking in a lot of alcohol or illegal narcotics, which more often than not, were caused by deeper, darker reasons that caused the future offender to be scarred physically, mentally and emotionally. Fourth is male role model. Such a core characteristic says that certain outlooks, beliefs and practices of potential offenders might have stemmed from being exposed to different kinds of people, especially to people to whom a person can relate to the most. Fifth is psychosocial development. Aside from having different addictions and problems, Koski (2008) said that he might have experienced other "psychosocial maladies." Sixth are predatory inclinations. Koski (2008) in this case says that if a person who has undergone a turbulent childhood baffled by physical abuse, he is more likely to engage in relationships that would have violence integrated in its core, with him or her as the offender and not the victim anymore. And, in order to clearly illustrate the picture of an offender, it is a must that we take on the discussion of the life of Ike Wister Turner, one of the major characters in the case this paper hopes to look into. On November 5, 1931, he was born to

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Management Consulting in the UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Management Consulting in the UK - Research Paper Example    Today, the industry is more worth than 9 billion pounds and hires more than 80,000 consultants. The industry extends a wide range of firms, most of which undertake pure management consulting work, of which are part of larger firms that also undertake IT and change programmes and from training individuals and team to provide expert advice in specialized fields (Bushko 45). Essential to the success of the whole consulting industry is their capabilities to deliver high-quality services that enable create sustainable value to organizations. To this end, the MCA has a Code of Practice to which all MCA members pledge. The MCA also encourages the positive contribution made by the industry to the economy and the wider society through the annual MCA Awards (Buono 45). As its clients look for integrated solutions to their IT requirements and management, many consultancy firms are entering into treaties with software suppliers, telecoms or communications firms in order for them to provide a broader range of quality services and outspread their global reach. At the same time, the consultant/client relationship is changing. Boundaries are distorting. Consultants can become part of the client organization for some time, and may as well sometimes share the profits as well as the risks of a scheme or project (Bushko 34). Consultancy firms that have in history compete d are now more or less working together on client projects and there will be continuing union within and outside the industry as firms co-operate and join in order to offer better services to their clients (Buono 59). Â